Our governance

The Council's work is guided by a framework of legislation and national and local policies, plans and strategies. Learn more about the framework:

Local authority Councillors

Local authority Councillors are public officials and operate under the rule of law.

The Local Electoral Act 2001

The Local Electoral Act 2001 governs the conduct of local elections and polls, and the Local Government Act 2002 determines our role and how we must act. View previous election results.

The Local Governance Statement 

The Local Governance Statement (PDF 9.14MB) for Canterbury Regional Council (Environment Canterbury; The Council) is prepared under Section 40 of the Local Government Act 2002.

This statement helps support the purpose of local government by providing information on:

  • processes through which the Council engages with its community
  • how the Council makes decisions
  • how the public can influence those processes and decisions.

The Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA)

The Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) charges regional councils with the establishment, implementation and review of objectives, policies and methods to achieve sustainable management of the natural and physical resources of the region. It underpins much of our work. Complying with the RMA.

Under the RMA the government has established National Policy Statements and National Environmental Standards which we must adhere to, and Environment Canterbury has developed a Regional Policy Statement and regional plans for land and water, air and the coastal environment. 

Regional Strategies

Key regional strategies include the Canterbury Water Management Strategy (CWMS), the Canterbury Regional Economic Development Strategy and the Canterbury Biodiversity Strategy.