Canterbury Landscape Supplies Ltd

Applications have been  made to discharge contaminants (odour and dust) into air; and contaminants to land that may enter water from a composting operation at 97 Diversion Road & 949 South Eyre Road, Swannanoa.

Hearing Evidence
Applicants evidence, Legal submissions of G Cleary
Applicants summary evidence of Michele Dyer
Applicants evidence tabled - letter titled mitigation of leaching
Submitter evidence, Noel Fraser and Eyre District Environmental Association
Submitters memorandum- Jakeli Family Trust
Silver Fern Farms Response to Commissioners questions
Applicant summary evidence of P Wylie
Applicant summary evidence of P Harwood
Submitter evidence of G & J Greenwood
Submitter evidence of Darrell Brown - photographs
Submitter Evidence addendum of A Nikoloff
Submitter evidence of A Nikoloff
Submitters evidence of A Hazeldine
Supplementary S42A report
Submitter evidence of Karl Dodds
Submitter evidence of Noel Fraser
Submitter evidence of Silver Fern Farms - D Jemmet
Submitter evidence of J Madeley
Submitter evidence of J & W Randle
Submitter evidence of G & R Rouse
Submitters summary of evidence - Oxford Ohoka Community Board,
Submitters evidence of Oderings Nurseries
Submitters evidence of R & C Briggs
Submitters evidence of Oderings Nurseries
Submitter evidence of T McBrearty
Submitter evidence, Noel Fraser and Eyre District Environmental Association
Applicants evidence of M Dyer - attachment
Applicants summary evidence of Michele Dyer
Applicants evidence, Legal submissions of G Cleary
Memorandum Accompanying Applicants response to Second Minute
Appendix 1 Description of ASP Compost Management Process
Appendix 2 Sephira Report
Appendix 3 Aerial Photograph of Site
Appendix 4 Spreadsheet of Raw Material Volumes and Compost Produced Item 2
Appendix 7 Track Change Revised Conditions For Discharge To Air
Appendix 8 Revised Track Change Conditions for Discharge to Land Conditions
Supplementary Statement of Evidence Re Lease Agreement
Spreadsheet of Raw Material Volumes and Compost Produced Sources Redacted