Lyttelton Port Company

The Canterbury Regional Council has received an application from Lyttelton Port Company for resource consents in respect of its proposed Channel Deepening Project (CDP).

This CDP involves:

  • Channel deepening dredging to enable larger vessels to access Lyttelton Port;
  • Subsequent maintenance dredging of the channel created after deepening; and
  • Dredging of seabed material at Te Awaparahi Bay in preparation for reclaiming land for a new container facility.

Hearing decision

The decision of the Hearing Panel on the applications has been released. 


Channel Deepening Dredging

The applicant seeks to dredge the area marked ‘Dredging for channel deepening’ as shown on Figure 1, to a depth that allows a vessel with a 14.5 metre draught to enter Lyttelton Port at all tide levels. In addition to that, the applicant seeks to dredge the seabed material at Te Awaparahi Bay in preparation for reclaiming land for a new container facility. Dredge spoil (seabed material) will be disposed of at the channel deepening spoil disposal ground indicated on Figure 1.

The applicant has applied for the following resource consents in relation to the proposed channel deepening dredging:

(1) CRC172455 – A Coastal Permit:
a. to dredge (disturb) seabed material for purposes of deepening, extending and widening a shipping (navigation) channel that includes a ship-turning basin and berth pockets; and 
b. to dredge seabed material in preparation for reclaiming land for a new container facility in Te Awaparahi Bay; and
c. to deposit seabed material on the seabed associated with (a) and (b) above.

(2) CRC172522 – A Discharge Permit:
a. to discharge contaminants (seabed material and water) into water associated with channel deepening dredging as described in (1) above.

Figure 1: Site Plan for Channel Deepening and spoil disposal ground

Maintenance Dredging

The applicant seeks to undertake dredging to maintain the navigational channel, ship-turning basin and berth pockets in the area marked as the ‘Deepened shipping channel’ on Figure 2, to a depth required for a vessel with a 14.5 metre draught to enter Lyttelton Port at all tides. Dredge spoil (seabed material) will be disposed of primarily at the offshore maintenance disposal grounds as shown on Figure 2, with the Godley Head spoil disposal ground being retained as an alternative option.

The applicant has applied for the following resource consents in relation to the proposed maintenance dredging.

(3) CRC172456 – A Coastal Permit: 
a. to dredge (disturb) seabed material for purposes of maintaining the depth of a shipping (navigation) channel that includes a ship-turning basin and berth pockets; and
b. to deposit seabed material on the seabed associated with 3(a) above;

(4) CRC172523 – A Discharge Permit:
a. to discharge contaminants (seabed material and water) into water associated with maintenance dredging in (3) above.

Figure 2: Site Plan for maintenance dredging

The application includes an assessment of effects. A consent duration of 35 years is sought for the above four consents.

A 10 year lapse period is sought for the channel deepening dredging consents. A 12 year lapse period is sought for the maintenance dredging consents.


Appendix 10B ROMS Validation
Appendix 11 Plumes During Disposal (Maintenance)
Appendix 12 Behaviour of Sediment after Capital Disposal
Appendix 13 Behaviour of Sediment after Maintenance Disposal
Appendix 14 Effects on Harbour Waves and Currents
Appendix 15A Marine Ecology Assessment
Appendix 15B Reef and shoreline marine ecologies
Appendix 16 Marine Mammals Assessment
Appendix 17 Effects on marine birds
Appendix 18 Noise Assessment
Appendix 19 Commentary on Statistics for Turbidity Triggers
Appendix 20 Recommendations on measuring and determining Turbidity Trigger values
Appendix 21 Water Quality Monitoring
Appendix 22 Draft Environmental Management and Monitoring plan
Appendix 23 Proposed Consent Conditions (Channel Deepening)
Appendix 1 Maps
Appendix 10A Plumes During Disposal (Capital)
Appendix 2 Economic Assessment

Cultural Impact Assessment updated- November 2016 - Please note that Appendix 3 - Cultural Impact Assessment has been updated. The changes to the Cultural Impact Assessment are in Section 8: Recommendations, and are to delete Recommendation 4 (Environment bond) and replace it with a similar (without bond) recommendation about responsibility for unforeseen effects as follows:

New Recommendation 26 (Unexpected effects) added: Notwithstanding the need to avoid adverse effects by managing the dredging activity within a robust environmental monitoring programme and adaptive management framework, and the expectation that the offshore disposal grounds will be moved to deeper water if effects are observed (Recommendation 9), conditions of consent are required to ensure LPC is responsible for any unforeseen adverse effects on the environment as a result of the activity, and that any such effects are remediated or mitigated using methods agreed to by LPC, the consent authority, and manawhenua.

Appendix 3 Cultural Impact Assessment - Superseded
Appendix 4 Landscape and Visual Amenity Assessment
Appendix 5 Effects on Recreation and Tourism
Appendix 6 Effects on Aquaculture and Mahinga Kai
Appendix 7 Effects on Coastal Processes
Appendix 8 Aspects of Marine Pysical Environment
Appendix 9 Plumes During Dredging
Application AEE
Glossary of Terms

Applicants Evidence

Pre-circulated evidence of Peter Davie - Lyttelton Port Company (PDF File, 114.98KB)

Pre-circulated evidence of John O'Dea - Lyttelton Port Company (PDF File, 183.54KB)

Pre-circulated evidence of Johannes Pronk - Dredge operation (PDF File, 2.04MB)

Pre-circulated evidence of Simon Munt - Lyttelton Port Company (Marketing) (PDF File, 133.77KB)

Pre-circulated evidence of Mike Copeland - Economic Assessment (PDF File, 825.64KB)

Pre-circulated evidence of Jared Pettersson - Consultation (PDF File, 1.29MB)

Pre-circulated evidence of Dyanna Jolly - Cultural Impact Assessment (PDF File, 340.96KB)

Pre-circulated evidence of Brett Beamsley - Sediment and Plume Modelling (PDF File, 3.54MB)

Pre-circulated evidence of Brett Beamsley - Appendix A (PDF File, 6.28MB)

Pre-circulated evidence of Brett Beamsley - Appendix B (PDF File, 2.22MB)

Pre-circulated evidence of David Fox - Statistics for Turbidity Triggers (PDF File, 578.9KB)

Pre-circulated evidence of Leonie Anderson - Water Quality Monitoring (PDF File, 5.72MB)

Precirulated evidence of Jared Pettersson - Environmental Monitoring and Management Plan (PDF File, 4.57MB)

Precirculated evidence of Jared Pettersson - Environmental Monitoring and Management Plan - Part 1 - Amended Figure 4 (PDF File, 557.5KB)

Pre-circulated evidence of James Bentley -Landscape and Visual Amenity (PDF File, 163.93KB)

Pre-circulated evidence of Robert Greenaway - Effects on Recreation and Tourism (PDF File, 176.81KB)

Pre-circulated evidence of Shaun Olgivie - Effects on Aquaculture and Mahinga Kai (PDF File, 312.16KB)

Pre-circulated evidence of Thomas Shand - Effects on Coastal Processes (PDF File, 182.79KB) 

Pre-circulated evidence of Dr Michael Page - Geotechnical Evidence (PDF File, 9.34MB)

Pre-circulated evidence of Gary Teear - Marine Physical Environment (PDF File, 152.72KB)

Pre-circulated evidence of Derek Goring - Effects on Harbour Waves and Currents (PDF File, 125.47KB)

Pre-circulated evidence of Ross Sneddon - Marine Ecology (PDF File, 572.63KB)

Pre-circulated evidence of Deanna Clement - Marin Mammals Assessment (PDF File, 244KB)

Pre-circulated evidence of Leigh Bull - Effects on Marine Birds (PDF File, 436.93KB)

Pre-circulated evidence of Nevil Hegley - Noise (PDF File, 127.45KB) 

Pre-circulated evidence of Andrew Purves - Planning (PDF File, 54.52MB)

Document Title
Memorandum of counsel - 7th minute response
Applicant Response to 7th Minute, Updated channel deepening conditions
Memorandum of counsel - 7th minute response, Channel deepening conditions appendix 2
Memorandum of counsel - 7th minute response, Maintenance conditions appendix 1
Memorandum of Counsel response attachment Maintenance conditions ( PDF File, 714.3 KB)
Memorandum of Counsel response attachment Channel deepening conditions (PDF File, 813.9 KB)
Memorandum of Counsel in response to Minute 5 (PDF File, 162.6 KB)
Commissioner Minute No. 7 dated 31 May 2017 (PDF File,13.4KB )
Commissioner Minute No. 6 dated 24 May 2017 (PDF File, 11.9KB)
Commissioner Minute No. 5 dated 19 May 2017 (PDF File, 29.3KB)
Commissioner Minute No. 4 dated 21 April 2017 (PDF File, 26.57KB)
Commissioner Minute No. 3 dated 28 Feb 2017 (PDF File, 13.1KB)
Commissioner Minute No. 2 dated 23 Feb 2017 (PDF File, 28.78KB)
Commissioner Minute No. 1 dated 10 February 2017 (PDF File, 23.72KB)
Applicants Proposed conditions Plan CRC172456A (PDF File, 4.25MB)
Applicants Proposed conditions Plan CRC172455E (PDF File, 3.99MB)
Applicants Proposed conditions Plan CRC172455D (PDF File, 4.02MB)
Applicants Proposed conditions Plan CRC172455C (PDF File, 3.78MB)
Applicants Proposed conditions Plan CRC172455B (PDF File, 3.92MB)
Applicants Proposed conditions Plan CRC172455A (PDF File, 4.34MB)
Applicants proposed conditions Plan- CRC172455F (PDF File, 4.04MB)
Applicants Proposed conditions Plan CRC172456E (PDF File, 4.05MB)
Applicants Proposed conditions Plan CRC172456D (PDF File, 4.05MB)
Applicants Proposed conditions Plan CRC172456C (PDF File, 6.73MB)
Applicants Proposed conditions Plan CRC172456B (PDF File, 4.76MB)
Applicants Proposed maintenance dredging conditions (PDF File, 301.64KB)
Applicants Proposed channel deepening conditions (PDF File, 399.26KB)
s42A Report - Addendum of Andrea Richardson (PDF File, 368.81KB)
s42A Report - Addendum of Justin Cope (PDF File, 183.86KB)
s42A Report - Addendum of Dr Lesley Bolton-Ritchie (PDF File, 179.47KB)
s42A Report - Addendum of Dougal Greer (PDF File, 293.91KB)
Submitters evidence - Legal submissions for Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu, Te Hapu o Ngati Wheke, Te Runanga o Koukourarata, Ngai Tahu Seafood (PDF File, 1.88MB)
Submitters evidence of Stephen Gardner (PDF File, 1.28MB)
Submitters summary of evidence of Wayne Stephenson (PDF File, 97.96KB)
Submitters summary of evidence of Thomas Hildebrand (PDF File, 108.93KB)
Submitters summary of evidence of Tasman Gillies (PDF File, 397.7KB)
Submitters summary of evidence of Philippa Lynch (PDF File, 751.12KB)
Submitters summary of evidence of Matea Gillies (PDF File, 143.48KB)
Submitters summary of evidence of Islay Marsden (PDF File, 146.07KB)
Submitters summary of evidence of Chris Hepburn (PDF File, 387.7KB)
Submitters summary of evidence and response of John Oldman (PDF File, 1.95MB)
Submitters summary of evidence and response of Daniel Pritchard (PDF File, 727.92KB)
Submitters summary of evidence of Andrea Rickard (PDF File, 168.82KB)
Submitters supplementary evidence of John Oldman (PDF File, 196.25KB)
Submitters summary of evidence of Henry Couch (PDF File, 3.3MB)
Lyttelton Port Company hearing, summary of evidence and reply of Thomas Shand (PDF File, 107.8KB)
Lyttelton Port Company hearing, summary of evidence and reply of Dyanna Jolly (PDF File, 119.06KB)
Lyttelton Port Company hearing, summary of evidence and reply of Derek Goring (PDF File, 87.55KB)
Lyttelton Port Company hearing, summary of evidence and reply of Shaun Ogilvie (PDF File, 100.38KB)
Te Hapu o Ngati Wheke Te Runanga o Koukourarata, Ngai Tahu Seafood, Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu, evidence of Henry Couch (PDF File, 4.22MB)
Te Hapu o Ngati Wheke Te Runanga o Koukourarata, Ngai Tahu Seafood, Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu, evidence of Matea Gillies (PDF File, 192.48KB)
Te Hapu o Ngati Wheke Te Runanga o Koukourarata, Ngai Tahu Seafood, Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu, evidence of Peter Ramsden (PDF File, 219.42KB)
Sanford Fisheries and Banks Peninsula Marine Farmers written statement (PDF File, 900.85KB)
Summary of evidence and reply of Ross Sneddon (PDF File, 328.78KB)
Summary of evidence and reply of David Fox (PDF File, 1.64MB)
Summary of evidence and reply of B Beamsley (PDF File, 5.18MB)
Submitters evidence of Te Hapu o Ngati Wheke, Te Runanga o Koukourarata, Ngai Tahu Seafood, Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu - Thomas Hildebrand (PDF File, 714.06KB)
Summary evidence of Leonie Andersen (PDF File, 2.03MB)
Summary evidence of Brett Beamsley - Graphics (PDF File, 2.1MB)
Summary and response evidence of John O'Dea (PDF File, 249.42KB)
Legal submissions (PDF File, 941.42KB)
Applicants evidence summary and response of David Fox - powerpoint (PDF File, 1.88MB)
Applicants evidence summary and response of Gary Teear (PDF File, 261.9KB)
Applicants evidence in response - David Fox (PDF File, 192.79KB)
Submitters evidence - Surfbreak Protection (PDF File, 252.2KB)
Expert joint witness statement dated 10th May 2017 (PDF File, 4.81MB)
Applicants Right of Reply (PDF File, 1.53MB)