Water and land

Water and land / Te Wai me Te Whenua

We are building community engagement and action as a partner within the Canterbury Water Management Strategy (CWMS), accelerating regeneration of the natural environment through zone and regional delivery projects and campaigns, taking decisive action in freshwater management, innovative approaches and fostering relationships.

How we performed

12 Levels of Service




Not achieved


Not measured

25 Targets




Not achieved


Not measured


Working together for healthy water and land

We are leading a shared regional commitment through the CWMS – strengthening collaborative arrangements with Papatipu Rūnanga, Zone Committees, community and key organisations, including through joint work programmes.

Level of Service 1: Facilitate the Canterbury Water Management Strategy Zone and Regional Committees to support achievement of the 2025 goals, in partnership with Ngāi Tahu and the Canterbury region’s city and district councils
Measure 1.1: Provide opportunities for community engagement through Zone and Regional actions.

Target 1.1A: Hold at least 44 Zone and Regional Committee meetings per year.

Result: There were 52 meetings and 27 workshops held in 2022/23. This is up on last year’s total of 47 formal committee meetings.


Target 1.1B: Develop and agree 10 Zone Committee Action Plans.

Result: All 9 Zone Committees completed 3 year Action Plans in 2021/22. These Action Plans have been refreshed where needed in 2022/23 and play an active part in the Zone Committees process. Decisions on which projects to support by allocated budgets were directed by the Action Plans.



Monitoring and understanding our environment

We are collecting and managing quality, trusted data that is shared with and used by community and key organisations to understand trends and actions, as required to meet statutory requirements and environmental outcomes.

Level of Service 2: Monitor and provide accurate and timely State of the Environment data for Canterbury, for use by decision-makers and the community.
Measure 2.1: Create State of the Environment monitoring programmes and share the data.

Target 2.1A: Collect and publish data on the Environment Canterbury and Land Air Water Aotearoa websites.

Result: We collect and make available a range of data on our website and the Land Air Water Aotearoa (LAWA) website and Canterbury Maps. See page 13 for further details.


Target 2.1B: Implement mātauranga Māori monitoring programme.

Result: A draft framework has been developed by consultants, with input from several Papatipu Rūnanga and will be tested for monitoring mahinga kai across the Canterbury region. The establishment of a framework will provide a foundation for the two Treaty partners to develop an efficient and effective monitoring programme, which will allow reporting of the condition of significant mahinga kai and support future management.

Not achieved
Measure 2.2: Provide data and analysis to show progress against CWMS targets.

Target 2.2: Publish quarterly reports on the Canterbury Mayoral Forum website.

Result: We have published four quarterly reports on key actions aligned to the Canterbury Water Management Strategy (CWMS) targets on the Canterbury Mayoral Forum website. This target was not achieved in 2021/22 as we were not able to report on all targets.

We have also reported on work done against the 10 current CWMS targets. This Level of Service has been amended in the 2023/24 Annual Plan and will sit under Level of Service 1 to reflect the nature of this reporting.

Measure 2.3: Ensure data collected is fit for purpose.

Target 2.3a: Report and assess the quality of data collected and managed by Environment Canterbury, including the data provided by third parties.

Result: We use National Environmental Monitoring Standards (NEMS) to code our water level and rainfall data. We are currently working to implement NEMS for our water quality data. Internal reports on the quality of the data have been compiled for section managers.


Target 2.3b: Assess each monitoring network at least once every 10 years.

Result: We have a rolling programme for assessing our monitoring networks and, as part of that programme, in 2022/23 the hydrometric network was reviewed. In 2021/22, four of our monitoring networks were reviewed.

Level of Service 3: Undertake targeted science research and investigations on matters relevant to policy development to inform the Council and stakeholders.
Measure 3.1: Publish data and analysis electronically to ensure it is publicly available.

Target 3.1: Collect and publish data.

Result: In addition to the data available through platforms noted in 2.1a above, we regularly publish reports, which are available from our website document library.


Freshwater regulatory framework

We are ensuring our freshwater regulatory framework is compliant with statutory requirements and national direction; embeds and articulates Ngāi Tahu vision and interpretation of Te Mana o te Wai; and is effective and responsive to changes in the environmental outcomes sought.

Level of Service 4: Partner with Papatipu Rūnanga and engage with the community to inform amendments to the regulatory framework (to give effect to Central Government’s Essential Freshwater package, achieving Te Mana o te Wai)
Measure 4.1: Notify a land and water regulatory framework that provides for a Ngāi Tahu and community vision when giving effect to Central Government’s Essential Freshwater package across the region.

Target 4.1: Report on progress of the programme to develop a compliant regulatory framework.

Result: Work to develop a compliant regulatory framework is underway, with targeted changes to the Land and Water plan framework to deliver a ‘planning instrument’ that gives effect to the NPS-FM by December 2024.

In 2021/22 the target was to ‘Design a programme to develop a compliant regulatory framework’. This work was delayed, but the programme has now been developed.


Healthy waterways actions

We are implementing our planning framework using a consistent and focused approach across the regulatory spectrum to deliver on the Government’s Essential Freshwater package, and making improvements to freshwater management and outcomes.

Level of Service 5: Partner with Papatipu Rūnanga and engage with the community to implement Central Government’s Essential Freshwater package to improve freshwater outcomes.
Measure 5.1: Develop and implement a programme in partnership with Papatipu Rūnanga to deliver Te Mana o te Wai.

Target 5.1a: Report on programme progress.

Result: Progress has been made on developing programmes in partnership with ngā Papatipu Rūnanga. A key Pou Mātai Kō role, filled in 2022/23, has supported this work. Progress is reported to our senior management. In 2021/22 the target was to develop programme(s) in partnership with Papatipu Rūnanga.


Target 5.1b: Actively manage and report on progress of catchment projects identified by Rūnanga.

Result: Twelve projects agreed with Rūnanga have been funded and are either complete or being implemented. This is continuing to contribute to the target identified in the CWMS to identify mahinga kai sites of importance to Rūnanga.

For the Annual Plan 2022/23, this target was updated. Previously, the target was to identify 10 priority catchments across the region and we did not achieve this in 2021/22.

Level of Service 6: Increase community awareness and understanding of NPS FW and LWRP requirements
Measure 6.1: Develop campaigns to improve landowner/ community understanding of new national direction and LWRP requirements.

Target 6.1a: Deliver two campaigns.

Result: In 2021/22, the target was to scope the campaigns required, which we did. In 2022/23, two 3-year campaigns, intensive winter grazing and synthetic nitrogen, have been progressed. Opportunities for farmers to discuss regulations with us were provided via drop-in sessions and presentations were delivered at several jointly held industry field days and workshops.

As part of the intensive winter grazing campaign in 2022/23, a pre-grazing flight was undertaken in Ashburton and Waimakariri districts in early May to observe how farmers were setting up their wintering paddocks in preparation for winter.


Target 6.1b: Report on progress against campaigns.

Result: Regular reports on progress have been provided to the Council and senior management.

Level of Service 7: Work with Ngāi Tahu, the community, industry, and the region’s city and district councils to improve Three Waters, including urban water quality
Measure 7.1: Deliver prioritised catchment programmes to improve urban water quality.

Target 7.1a: Implement work programme to support the region’s city and district councils to improve Three Waters.

Result: In 2021/22, the target was to develop a programme, which we did. In 2022/23 we submitted on water reform legislation and on proposed amendments to the National Environmental Standards for Drinking Water. Analysis of the implications of meeting this new legislative requirement has been completed and shared across the organisation.

South Island regional councils co-funded work to align a framework for wastewater and stormwater compliance monitoring. To assist with this, a Three Waters compliance stocktake was undertaken and shared with regional councils in the Ngāi Tahu takiwā.

We continue to engage with Canterbury territorial authorities on asset ownership and flood response, and with on-site wastewater industry groups to lift performance.


Target 7.1b: Implement work programme to support the community and industry to improve urban water quality.

Result: In 2021/22, the target was to develop a programme, which we did. In 2022/23, we worked on implementing the Comprehensive Stormwater Consent with Christchurch City Council; this is occurring over a multi-year time frame.

A microplastics campaign is being delivered, with over 60 sites visited and advice provided to address any onsite issues. Businesses have been very receptive to staff and advice, with very positive feedback provided during site visits.

Level of Service 8: Work with landowners, stakeholders, Ngāi Tahu and the community to identify and manage significant emerging environmental issues
Measure 8.1: Deliver programmes with the community to respond to significant emerging environmental issues.

Target 8.1: Report on response to emerging environmental issues.

Result: We have continued to work with Te Rūnanga o Arowhenua, Te Ngāi Tūāhuriri Rūnanga and Te Taumutu Rūnanga, and Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu over the past year to drive urgent on-the-ground action to halt and reverse the degradation of Ōtūwharekai ecology and values. We’ve also worked through the Ōtūwharekai Working Group, collaborating with landowners, Ashburton District Council, Fish and Game Council and Central Government agencies to drive action. Find out more about the details of this extensive work.

Much of our work has focused on working with each landowner in the catchment to make changes to land use practices, such as those involving the winter grazing of livestock. We have also undertaken additional science work to better understand lake dynamics to inform future actions.

Level of Service 9: Enable resource users to implement Good Management Practices (GMP).
Measures 9.1: Ensure satisfaction with our advice to resource users to enable implementation of GMP.

Target 9.1: Not measured this year.

Result: The 2022/23 Annual Plan did not include a target for this measure as it is intended that the survey be carried out every second year and it was due to be carried out in 2021/22. However, the survey could not be completed in 2021/22 due to a pause in auditing activity and we did not achieve the target last year.

The survey was carried out several months later than planned, during 2022/23. Resource users were questioned on the level of satisfaction with the system, the framework and the tools provided by the farm environment plan auditing programme. Results show they were ‘largely satisfied to extremely satisfied’ with our response time. Some improvements to tools were suggested, which will be investigated.

Not measured
Measure 9.2: Ensure Farm Environment Plan audits are completed.

Target 9.2: Ensure ≥ 25% of all consented farms are audited.

Result: There are 1096 individual farms and single-managed enterprises required to have a Farm Environment Plan in Canterbury. In 2022/23 316 audits were completed (29%) and the target was achieved. In 2021/22, as a result of a pause to auditing activity in some parts of the region, only 23% of audits were completed and the target was not met.

Measure 9.3: Ensure Aggregated Consented Entities are managed to meet GMP.

Target 9.3: Report on progress against the Aggregated Consent Entities work programme.

Result: Progress against the aggregated consent entities work programme has been reported to senior management. In 2022/23 various aspects of the aggregated consents entities (ACE) work programme, such as data management, process development, internal communication, training of staff and maintaining Irrigation Scheme relationships, led to the improvement of capability, systems and processes within the organisation that enabled or assisted ACEs to meet good management practice.

The Irrigation Schemes reported Farm Environmental Plan (FEP) audit results of the 2021/22 year in the 2022/23 financial year. The results showed 80% of the Farm Environmental Plans (FEP’s) held by Irrigation Schemes met GMP. Action plans are in place for the remainder of the FEP’s to meet GMP. The target for 2021/22 was to deliver a work programme.


Stewardship of water and land

We are reviewing our water and land improvement campaigns and implementation programmes to strategically invest in supporting, building awareness and implementing opportunities to deliver on future stewardship of land and water for the Canterbury region.

Level of Service 10: Monitor and review efficiency and effectiveness of land and water implementation programmes and campaigns.
Measure 10.1: Review campaigns and implementation programmes to inform ongoing improvement and effectiveness.

Target 10.1: Review and report on the effectiveness of two campaigns being undertaken to improve landowner/community understanding of new national direction and Land and Water Regional Plan requirements.

Result: In 2021/22, the target, which was achieved, was to establish a work programme and process to review effectiveness and develop targets for future years.

In 2022/23, a review of the Synthetic Nitrogen Fertiliser Cap (N-Cap) and Intensive Winter Grazing (IWG) campaigns has been undertaken. Some challenges were found in relation to data availability, which limits the opportunity for detailed tracking over time.

We also noted some inconsistencies in how we were reporting back to the community. A reporting template has now been introduced, along with training, to improve the consistency of reporting back to the community.


Freshwater resilience

We are supporting intergenerational, multistakeholder catchment-based projects which restore freshwater environments, build community support and enable implementation of the Essential Freshwater Package.

Level of Service 11: Achieve improvements in freshwater outcomes through implementation and delivery of work programmes with partners and key agencies, where priorities are aligned.
Measures 11.1: Deliver actions as agreed in shared work programme(s) between the relevant parties in accordance with priorities for each catchment-based partnership.

Target 11.1: Deliver work programmes for catchment-based partnership projects, with progress reported through the governance structures in place.

Result: In all catchment-based partnership programmes (Te Mōkihi/Mackenzie Alignment, Whaka-Ora Healthy Harbour/Lyttelton Harbour, and Whakaora Te Waihora/Lake Ellesmere), we worked towards the goal of being a Treaty partner of excellence, by delivering operational programmes in partnership with ngā rūnanga and others; implementing annual work plans and budgets, and submitting progress reports through their respective governance structures.

Measure 11.2: Deliver actions as agreed in shared work programme(s) between the relevant parties in accordance with aligned priorities.

Target 11.2: Deliver work programmes and publish an annual report for each work programme.

Result: The Te Mana Ora (Community & Public Health)/Christchurch City Council/Environment Canterbury work programme has been the only active work programme with actions taken that will improve freshwater outcomes on aligned priorities in 2022/23. A report has been published: Te Whatu Ora ECan Christchurch City Council joint work programme 30 June 2023 (Office Open XML Document, 20.48KB)

Discussions are underway with Fish & Game North Canterbury and Central South Island on the viability of a merged joint work programme with us.

Measure 11.3: Identify and support projects through Zone Committee Action Plans.

Target 11.2: Report on delivery of 10 priority projects.

Result: In 2022/23, 18 projects to improve freshwater outcomes were identified and supported through Zone Committee Action Plans. In addition, further projects that align with the priorities of current and previous Zone Committees were supported.

For 2022/23, we are reporting those projects that clearly deliver on improved outcomes for freshwater. We have not included projects that focus on biodiversity outcomes, with minor or indirect freshwater outcomes. This has led to a reduction in the number of projects being reported, down from 48 reported last year.

Level of Service 12: Partner with others to ensure that regional water infrastructure contributes to outcomes sought through the Canterbury Water Management Strategy and Central Government’s Essential Freshwater package, and improves resilience.
Measure 12.1: Identify opportunities for improving environmental outcomes through infrastructure and establish projects through a regional work programme.

Target 12.1a: Publish an annual report on the Selwyn Targeted Stream Augmentation and Near River Recharge projects, until they are commissioned and operational.

Result: These reports for both 2021/22 and 2022/23 can be found on our website.


Target 12.1c: Publish an annual report outlining progress made on the Regional Infrastructure Work Programme.

Result: Read the Infrastructure report, for both 2021/22 and 2022/23: 
