7. Assessment of my application

Once an application has been received, it is checked against relevant sections of the Resource Management Act and associated plans and rules.

We need to ensure you have applied under the correct section of the Act and determine whether additional applications are required and if public or limited notification is required.

To do this, we will consider: 

  • the type of activity
  • the degree of non-compliance, if any
  • whether the application requires any affected party written approval
  • whether written approvals have been obtained
  • whether the associated environmental effects likely to occur from a permitted activity are all reviewed.

The assessment will also determine if additional site visits and/or specialist advice are required.

Assessment of environmental effects

The Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE) that you submit is a key document and will be reviewed regarding the nature and type of your activity and how you have considered the effects on the environment, tāngata whenua and your neighbours.

The scope and level of detail of the application will be considered with regards to the proposed activity and the receiving environment.

Data analysis contained in the AEE will be reviewed and the application will be evaluated in order to determine the size and significance of the effect and how the level of detail in the AEE matches up.

If mitigation of the activity is required, your approach and the overall level of detail will also be considered during assessment.

In certain situations the council can extend the time period for an application under section 37 and 37A of the RMA when special circumstances apply or the applicant agrees to the extension.

The council must also consider the interests of those people affected by the extension, the interests of the community and avoid unreasonable delay.

In some instances, the outcome of the assessment will indicate that a Certificate of Compliance may be required as your proposed activity is considered to be lawful without a resource consent. You will be informed if this is the case.