Search results for "CWMS"

59 results, displaying page 6 of 6

  1. Environment Canterbury: rates, representation and future activity

    … significance of each.

    Further information can be found online:

    Long-Term Plan 2018-28
    Rates information and the rates tool
    Regional Land Transport Plan
    Proposed representation

    An Outstanding Contribution Award was made to Dr Andy Pearce, Chairman of the CWMS Regional Committee.  

    * A total rates revenue rise of 4.9% comes from a mix of changes to the general and targeted rates.  For sample properties' actual $ increases, visit the rates page.
  2. Canterbury Good Management Practice story

    … Environment: Action for Healthy Waterways.
    Action for Healthy Waterways – our initial advice.

    Regional policy

    A decade ago the Canterbury Mayoral Forum decided on a new collaborative approach to freshwater management in the region.

    The result was the CWMS - Canterbury Water Management Strategy Strategic Framework (PDF File, 3.03MB).

    The CWMS seeks to address Canterbury’s freshwater issues in a collaborative way to enable present and future generations to gain the greatest social, economic,…
  3. Responses to information requests

    … Environment Canterbury adopts various measures to prevent spills into urban waterways. We rely on both statutory (e.g. rules in plans) and non-statutory methods (e.g. advertising and community engagement activities). The Canterbury Water Management Strategy (CWMS) and the development of local water Zone Implementation Programmes (ZIPs) by the communities across Canterbury also address water quality in urban settings and each ZIP has targets around this.

    We also prioritise our compliance effort…

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