Beach Road Estates Limited

  • Submissions opened: Saturday, 8th Jan 2022 - 12:30am
  • Submissions closed: Tuesday, 8th Feb 2022 - 5:00pm

Resource Consent applications: CRC221158, CRC221159, CRC221160, CRC221161,    CRC221162, CRC221163, CRC221164

Applicant Beach Road Estates Limited
Address for service Attn: Daniel Murray
  Tonkin and Taylor Ltd
  PO Box 13 055
  Christchurch 8141

The Applicant has applied for two packages of resource consents associated with the ongoing construction of the ‘Beach Grove’ residential subdivision at 280 Beach Road, Kaiapoi. The following consents are being sought:

McIntosh Drain re-alignment

CRC221158 - for a land-use consent for earthworks over aquifers; and land disturbance, and vegetation removal in the riparian margins of McIntosh Drain

CRC221160 - to reclaim part of the current alignment, and excavate, disturb, remove/plant vegetation in the bed and maintain the new alignment, of McIntosh Drain, and construct an outfall structure in the new alignment of the waterbody

CRC221161 - to divert surface water, permanently take groundwater and to take dewatering water during the construction of a new alignment of McIntosh Drain

CRC221163 - to discharge construction-phase stormwater including water treatment chemicals; discharge intercepted groundwater; to discharge surface water into the current and new alignment of McIntosh Drain; and discharge water into land

Stormwater system construction and operation

CRC221159 - earthworks to create two wet basins

CRC221162 - to take groundwater during construction for dewatering purposes and the permanent take of groundwater into two wet basins

CRC221164 - to discharge dewatering water to surface water; construction-phase stormwater to land; intercepted groundwater; water treatment chemicals; and groundwater and operational-phase stormwater to land and water

The legal descriptions of the site at which the activities will take place are Lot 1000 Deposited Plan 558839, Lot 113 Deposited Plan 498086, Lot 201 Deposited Plan 471077, and Lot 203 Deposited Plan 479488.

 The drain realignment will reclaim approximately 880 m of McIntosh Drain. The drain will be directed into a new naturalised channel and public reserve to the east of the subdivision, as contemplated in the East Kaiapoi Outline Development Plan within the Waimakariri District Plan.

The new stormwater basins will treat stormwater from the subdivision. They have been designed differently from the stormwater system design previously approved for the subdivision.

These consents will replace previous consents for the site.

A ten-year consent duration is sought for CRC221158, CRC221159 and CRC221160 and a 35-year duration is sought for CRRC221161, CRC221162, CRC221163, and CRC221164.



Full details of the application and to make a submission can be viewed and made here, or at Environment Canterbury at 200 Tuam Street, Christchurch.

Any person may make a written submission on any of the above applications.

All submissions should be sent to Environment Canterbury PO Box 345 Christchurch 8140; or emailed to; or made online. Any signed written copy must be sent to the Applicant at the address for service detailed above.

A submission should include your name, address and phone number, the applicant’s name and consent application number.  A submission must state your reason for submission, whether you support or oppose the application and if you wish to be heard in support of your submission.

For advice on the applications please phone 03 353 9007 or 0800ECINFO (0800 324 636).

Submissions must be received by Environment Canterbury no later than 5 p.m. on Tuesday 8 February 2022.

Sorry, this is not a current Notification.
To request making a late submission, please contact Hearings at Environment Canterbury.