Celebrating Conservation Week with youth-led planting day

Volunteer group at the planting event at 'The Spur' Waimakriri  Regional Park

For the second year in a row, members of our Youth Rōpū held a successful planting event in the Waimakariri River Regional Park to celebrate Conservation Week.

A group of 30 people, including members of our Youth Rōpū, the Waimakariri Youth Council, members of the public and our staff worked together to plant 550 native trees along the side of the Waimakariri River, in an area known as Rock Spur.

Rock Spur sits alongside the Sanctuary and is part of the Templars Island area of the Waimakariri River Regional Park. The Sanctuary is the last remaining sizeable freshwater wetland in the lower Waimakariri River.

Templars Island is home to many waterfowl and braided river bird species. More than 40 native plant species have been observed in the area.

Conservation collaboration

Facilitated by our parks team, community days like this have resulted in over 6000 trees being planted this season to enhance biodiversity in the area. These include kahikatea, kōwhai, kōhūhū/black matipo, makomako/wineberry, mahōe/whiteywood, and tī kōuka/cabbage tree.

Youth Rōpū member and organiser of the event, Kyle Galloway, explained why it was important for people to attend these types of events.

"Connecting to nature like this is an important reminder of what we are advocating to protect in our workplaces, schools and meetings with councillors," said Kyle.

"Getting our hands dirty and having some good banter is also just a lot of fun".

Kyle is studying toward a Bachelor of Environmental Policy and Planning at Lincoln University and is in his first year on the Youth Rōpū.